
The journal ” Bulletin of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University.” Series “Physics” publishes articles and short message content, which are the original results of theoretical and experimental research and analytical review of the literature on various topical issues on the subject of Physics publication.

Language of articles – Ukrainian, Russian and English.


1. Theoretical Physics.

2. Solid States Physics.

3. Low Temperature Physics.

4. Physics of magnetic phenomena.

5. Optics and spectroscopy.

6. General questions of physics, among them: methodology and history of physics, mathematical methods of physics research, teaching physics in higher education, technology and methods of physical experiments etc.

Requirements for manuscript preparation

The total volume of manuscript paper should take no more than 15 pages.

Manuscript consists of a title page, which specify: the name of the article; initials and surnames; The mailing address of the institution where the work was performed; class number for PACS systems and UDC; annotations with the name and initials and the title of the article, written in Ukrainian, Russian and English on a separate sheet; the main text of the article; list of references; signatures to figure; table; figures: graphics, photos.

Abstract volume must be not less than 500 symbols max. The article should be structured. Conclusions should be numbered and they need to be rewritten conclusions and not abstract.

The electronic version of the manuscript must meet the following requirements: text manuscript should be typed format Microsoft Word version 2013, text alignment should be made to the left, font TimesNewRoman without capital letters in the names, letters, simple lines, with fields left, right, top and bottom 2.5 cm, the formula should be typed in MathType (at least version 6.5), the formulas are not allowed Cyrillic characters with upper and lower indices should gain in MicrosoftWord, formulas width not exceeding 70 mm, graphs and photographs should give a graphical format, distinguishing at least 300 dpi, file-sharing should be * .jpg, width of one or two columns, one column for dimensions: width 8 mm for two columns – 16 mm. Zoom in photomicrographs should represent as scale ruler.


Line width less than 0.5 mm, but not less than 0.18 mm. The size of the letters on captions less than 14 pt, but not less than 10 pt, Arial headset.

Examples of the reference list

1. LD Landau, EM Lifshitz. Upruhosty Theory, Nauka, Moscow (1978), 730 pp.

2. II Ivanov. FTT, 25, 7, 762 (1998).

3. AD Ashby. Phys.Rev., A19, 213 (1985).

4. DV Vert. In Progress in Metals, ed. by R. Speer, USA, New York (1976), v.4, p.17.


1. Two printed copies of the manuscript, signed by its authors.

2. The electronic version of the manuscript and contact data for communication with the authors. You need to send the e-mail address only

3. The direction of the institution where the work was performed, and results of examination in duplicate; address, name, full name and surname of authors; telephone numbers, E-mail, and noted author of the manuscript, responsible for communication with the editors of the magazine.